"Just as all rivers end up in the ocean, all
yoga ends up raising the kundalini.
What is the kundalini?
It is the creative potential of the human being."
~ Yogi Bhajan
Kundalini yoga is based on kriyas, or specially formulated sets of exercises which allow you to target specific benefits and work on exactly those aspects of yourself that you determine.
Kundalini Yoga is not about following a master or Guru, but discovering your own royal nature by raising the kundalini and awakening to your birthright as master of your destiny.
Any amount of time spent practicing – whether three minutes or an hour a day – produces significant benefits. The effect is a heightened self-awareness and enhanced peace of mind, concentration, and a deep inner calm and self-confidence using meditation.
It is much more than a system of physical exercise; it’s a dynamic, powerful tool for expanding awareness.
I am registered with IKTYA as a Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor. I offer classes for groups and individualized instruction in Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan.
Up and coming classes in
Kundalini Yoga & philosophy
Join us on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. for Kundalini Yoga in Venice; 2015 dates to be announced.
"The Yoga of Awareness as taught by Yogi Bahan"
- Learn about how Kundalini Yoga can be used to improve literally every aspect of life
- Awaken to the inner teacher and find greater confidence and guidance in your life
- Gain greater control of your thoughts and emotions.
- Awaken the Kundalini and experience your Royal Nature
Contact me today for a brief consultation or to learn more about Kundalini Yoga.